UnderPar Featured Partner
Promotion Goal
The resort focused on increasing overnight stay guests who also played golf. The campaign targeted members of the Florida State Golf Association. The redemption period was centered around the non-peak season to help lift room occupancy rates and fill up the tee sheet.
Promotional Offer
Pricing for the offers took two factors into consideration: 1. Generate the greatest amount of sales 2. Ensure the offer supported the integrity of the brand, and placed more emphasis on added-value/up-sell, versus just a straight-discount play.
Promotion Success
To date the property has run two PriceLooper Member Benefit Program offers in collaboration with UnderPar and the FSGA. Top line revenue has exceeded $73,000, and the property has confirmed that not only did it receive immediate revenue from voucher sales, it also generated post-campaign, downstream ROI in the form of on-property ancillary sales, and future sales driven by new, repeat golfers.
New Customers Gained Through PriceLooper Promotions
Want to learn more about the success we’ve collectively enjoyed with our Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort partnership and promotions? Contact Greg Knuth, UnderPar US Director, at Greg@UnderPar.com or 619-757-7963 .