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Partner with the Southern California Golf Association to boost rounds, increase revenue, and grow your customer base in and outside of your market while taking advantage of no-cost marketing to more than 170,000 SCGA members.
The SCGA will spotlight your property with a special offer to SCGA member golfers. The
on-brand campaign will be marketed directly by the SCGA as an “exclusive member benefit.” The email-centric campaign will promote to members an opportunity to purchase pre-paid vouchers highlighting the offer(s) that your course believes will not only generate instant revenue, but will also lead to downstream benefits: new, returning golfers; significant, statewide property/brand awareness; and an increase in average on-property ancillary sales.
You earn 85% of all voucher sales revenue; and, 100% of the on-property ancillary sales, and all future sales driven by new, repeat golfers. We work closely with participating courses to maximize voucher sales by creating compelling offers that also address current business objectives e.g. increase mid-week, afternoon play.
PriceLooper Promotion Case Studies
Trump National Golf Club – Los Angeles
Contact our SCGA Member Benefit Program partner to schedule an introductory call.
Greg Knuth, US Director, PriceLooper | 619.757.7963 | greg@pricelooper.com